It’s exciting that the term ‘equity’ is becoming popular in connection with planning practice. Integrating equity into planning practice makes sense – increasing equity can result in stronger, healthier and more resilient communities. But what tools are available to help planners figure out how to make a difference? How do we move beyond good intentions? Integrating equity isn’t just about setting up diverse committees or that providing childcare during community engagement events. Offering simple and often token responses could do more harm than good. To truly address inequities, you need to consider power.

In this session we will explore three key areas of local government decision making: budgeting, community data analysis and community engagement. We will provide participants with concrete examples of tools that can be used to prioritize equity in each. Participants will learn about how to create real impact and shift dynamics of power that are embedded in the work of planners and local governments. We hope that those in attendance will be inspired to look at their work in a new, more equitable, way.

Session presenters are Dr. Victoria Barr, Community Health & Equity Consultant from LevelUp Planning & Consulting, and Sarah Ravlic, Community Well-Being Practitioner from Urban Matters CCC.