CIP Announces New Canadian Awards for Planning Excellence
After a couple of years of being on hold, we are proud to launch the newly revised Canadian Awards for Planning Excellence, or CAPE!
After a couple of years of being on hold, we are proud to launch the newly revised Canadian Awards for Planning Excellence, or CAPE!
Level up your career at the Professional Development Lounge with the following activities…
From now until July 12, CIP national job postings will be 50% off for all employers!
In-person registration is almost sold out! Register to reserve your spot before it’s too late.
Attend CONNECTION and Complete Your 2024 CPL in One Go!
This issue of Plan Canada highlights some great work and effort to plan for and manage our water resources wisely to support our communities, but will it be enough?
Further your understanding of hot topics in planning and gain new skills by attending one of our upcoming events.