Canadian Awards for Planning Excellence Jury
Since 1983, CIP has been honouring outstanding planning projects for their excellence, innovation, and impact on the profession. The Canadian Awards for Planning Excellence will continue this tradition by recognizing submissions that showcase innovation, make a positive impact on the profession, and demonstrate implementation potential.
Meet the Jury

Dr. Ann McAfee (FCIP) has been a planner for over 50 years. In 1974, she became Vancouver’s first Housing Planner. From 1994-2006, as Vancouver’s Co-Director of Planning, she guided city policies and neighbourhood plans. Since ‘retiring’ she has planned internationally. Ann is an Adjunct Professor at UBC’s SCARP and a member of Canada’s National Housing Council.

Chris Hardwicke is a registered professional planner, a member of the Royal Architecture Institute of Canada and an urban designer with over 25 years of experience. He has achieved international recognition as a Fellow of the Forum for Urban Design in New York; a Recognized Practitioner in Urban Design in the UK; and, as a member of the Project for Public Spaces Leadership Committee and the Council for Canadian Urbanism. Chris is guided by the principle that urbanism is a vehicle of social change and renewal. This philosophy extends from the design of public places to embracing the broader principles of healthy cities.

Colton is a Registered Professional Planner with a reputation for successfully completing challenging planning projects. He is based in McElhanney’s Surrey BC office and works on planning projects across BC and Alberta. He has 20 years of experience providing public and private sector clients with strategic planning and development advice, and he has completed IAP2 public engagement training. Colton has significant public and private sector experience in municipal planning, with a focus on zoning bylaw overhauls, enabling infill and missing middle housing, regulating cannabis sales, official community plans (OCPs), municipal development plans (MDPs), secondary plans, affordable and supportive housing development, public engagement, project scoping, project management, and rezoning approvals and he frequently presents at city council and in the community.

Neal LaMontagne is a faculty lecturer at the University of Alberta School of Urban and Regional Planning. A planner with over 25 years of experience, he is a planning generalist with particular interests in the intersection of planning and design, sustainable and compassionate cities, and plan quality. A former member of the PIBC Awards Committee, this is his first year on a national awards jury.

Perry is Partner Services Manager at the City of Lethbridge. He has a MA in Latin American Studies from SFU and a BA in Urban and Regional Studies from the University of Lethbridge. Perry’s work centers on reconciliation, equity and inclusion within planning, policymaking and placemaking/keeping. Perry is Vice-chair of the Lethbridge Polytechnic Board of Governors, a Research Affiliate at the Prentice Institute (University of Lethbridge) and regularly shares his work through networks in Canada, the UK and elsewhere.

Kyla Pascal (she/her) is an Afro-Indigenous (Dominican/Métis) woman born and raised in Amiskwaciwâskahikan / ᐊᒥᐢᑲᐧᒋᐋᐧᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ (Edmonton). Her experiences and interests are centred around Indigenous resurgence, cultural preservation, community health, storytelling, and food justice. She is a community planner, a consultant and co-editor of Hungry Zine. The goal of her work is to build more resilient, just, and healthier communities.

Kathleen Gallagher is a Registered Professional Planner who has worked as an Executive Advisor in planning as well as in transit planning, development planning, and heritage planning at the City of Calgary and Town of Banff. She holds a Master of Environmental Studies (Planning) from the University of Waterloo and a Bachelor of Science (Psychology) from Dalhousie University.